Serving on Sunday
Hospitality ministry is an important part of worship life at Crown of Glory. Thank you for considering joining the hospitality team. Below you will find contact information and a recap of duties; training is always available for those who are ready to serve.
Thank You For Serving
(Please wear a name tag when you volunteer on Saturday or Sunday. Tags and pens are located under the Lobby video monitor.)
Ushers make sure people arriving in worship have what they need to fully enter the worship experience. Passing out Bulletins, assistance in seating, setting out overflow chairs, and assisting as needed is part of the servant ministry of an Usher. Duties include:
Pass out bulletins at the sanctuary entrances.
Count and record attendance (log on the Attendance Sheet located on a small clipboard outside of main Sanctuary doors).
Lead the offering by handing out the collection plates row by row. Then bring them to the front with communion servers. The Pastor will give you a nod and then you bring the plates to the counter located near the church office.
Return to Sanctuary to dismiss congregants for communion row by row.
Tidy up the sanctuary after service (pick up and recycle Bulletins, put Hymnals back in holders, toss any left-behind trash, etc.).
Greeter/Communion Servers
“Welcome one another, therefore as Christ has
welcomed you, for the glory of God.”
Greeters have the responsibility as first contact at the entryways of our church. Your warm and caring welcome sets the tone right at the door that this congregation cares for the children of God who enter here and is an introduction to the community of love and care in Christ at Crown of Glory. In addition to a friendly smile, all you need do is stand at the doorways and open the doors as people arrive for church.
Note: If you and your family are interested in greeting only, we welcome the assistance. Please let a Hospitality Team Leader know what weekend you want to help.
“Do this in remembrance of me.”
Greeters also assist with communion and the offering. Communion servers help the pastor in distributing the bread and the wine (or grape juice) to the congregation. These persons are mindful of the impact and power of this Holy meal in the lives of participants and enjoy being servants of the people. Duties include:
Set up communion (first service), or re-set communion (second service). Refill chalices and set out more bread. Supplies are behind the altar wall in the refrigerator and freezer.
Greet at both building entrances (1 greeter at each outside entrance is fine). Arrive at least 20 minutes before service begins.
Assist ushers with collecting the offering - coordinate with fellow volunteers prior to service to make sure you know who is working center and side aisles.
(Offering plates are located on the cabinet near center Sanctuary doors.) -
Take the communion elements forward and assist pastors with communion.
Wash and put away communion elements (10:30 team).
(Put unused whole loaf of bread back in freezer behind altar; toss or take home partial loaf; pour wine into the ground outside.
We recommend you receive some brief training or shadow a volunteer to get familiar with the duties prior to serving. Let us know if you want training.
The kitchen ministry of refreshment and fellowship hospitality provides snacks and beverages for members and guests before and after worship in order to foster conversation, strengthen existing relationships and build new friendships at Crown of Glory. Serving in the kitchen is an option when you sign up for 9:00 or 10:30 services. ​
- Arrive before service and start coffee. Make 1-2 pots regular and 1 pot decaf, fill thermos pots and set out.
- Make sure there are coffee cups, stock is below the coffee counter.
- Fill the small silver thermos pot with hot water (red knob on the coffee machine).
- Fill water dispenser with water and ice, put out paper cups.
- Put out juice if there is any in the refrigerator, or feel free to bring some.
- Bring 4 dozen treats (summer). Treats should be nut-free. Check with Kate Peterson, there may be leftover treats in the freezer you can also set out.
- Set out coffee donation box on the treat table.
After service, start more coffee if needed. Replenish treats.
As fellowship winds down:
- Empty out coffee machine baskets, rinse out and replace in machine.
- Turn coffee machine off, wipe up machine area.
- Dump extra coffee out in sink, rinse and tip pot upside down and place in sink rack to dry out.
- Dump hot water out, tip pot upside down and put in sink rack.
- Wipe up coffee and treat tables.
-- We try not to save too many treats. If there are a lot, okay to freeze. If just a few, feel free to take home or give to others to take home.
- Put coffee donation box back in pantry.
- Sinks should be empty and clean. Wipe all surfaces.
- Turn off kitchen lights.
If we are short on any supplies, leave a note on the Admin's desk. Thank you for serving.
Click on the 9:00 or 10:30 image to sign up to volunteer. Thank you!