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Earthly Resolutions

Updated: Feb 18, 2021

It’s that time again when we commit to New Year’s resolutions. Sometimes I don’t make a resolution for fear of not being able to keep it, or I make a very simple one in the hopes I can accomplish it. Example: drink more water daily—sounds easy, right? I wish. Old habits die hard as they say and sometimes, I drift from my resolution during the year, but I don’t give up. If you are contemplating resolutions for 2021, the Creation Care Ministry invites you to consider adding resolutions throughout the year that may help not only you personally, but also our planet. For 2021 we are launching “Restoring God’s Earth: A Year of Personal Action.” Each month we’ll focus on a theme and offer several small actions and habits your family can introduce into your lives. Don’t worry about taking big steps or making large commitments. A concern for God’s creation, small practices, and new habits by all of us is a worthy first step and can make a big difference in caring for ourselves and our planet.

You can check out January’s theme here. Happy New Year!

Kathy Tinker Creation Care Ministry


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